With the Ford Mustang Mach-E through 18 countries

Continent or ocean

Problems with the range of electric cars? We drove 55,000 km through 18 countries with our Mustang Mach-E. Our conclusion: traveling electrically is easy, cheap and fun! We have done four major tours so far. The first tour took us via Sweden and Finland to the North Cape in Norway and finally back via Denmark. On the second tour we went via the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal to Gibraltar and, among other things, back to Germany via Andorra and Luxembourg. This spring we went to Spain again, especially to visit the magnificent cities of Granada and Cordoba. And now in autumn the tour led back to our beautiful Hanfbachtal via Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland.

We have documented the tours in detail in the German Mustang Mach-E Forum, including tips on the charging infrastructure and required charging cards.

The following four links lead directly to the tour descriptions in the Mach-E forum, where you can also see various results of our photo projects in the 18 countries.

  1. Tour I to the North Cape
  2. Tour 2 to Gibraltar
  3. Tour 3 through Spain
  4. Tour 4 The North and East countries of the EU

You don't need to be a member of the forum to read our reports.

If you have any questions about the Ford Mustang Mach-E, E-Mobility "Electric" travel etc. via our contact form, we are happy to help.

Picture 1: At the base camp at the North Cape in Norway
Picture 2: With the Mustang Mach-E in Spain
Picture 3: With the Mustang Mach-E in Sweden
Picture 4: With the Mustang Mach-E in Finland
Picture 5: With the Mustang Mach-E in France
Picture 6: With the Mustang Mach-E in Portugal
Picture 7: With the Mustang Mach-E in Andorra
Picture 8: With the Mustang Mach-E in Germany
Picture 9: Iltschi on the runway at Gibraltar airport
Picture 10: Iltschi on the Russian border (Curonian Spit)