NFT 020: The Great Naruto whirlpool

NFT project:
100 photos | 100 countries and regions | 100 NFTs

Twice a day it happens between the Japanese islands of Naruto and Awaji. Then the tides move massive amounts of water from the Pacific Ocean into the Seto Inland Sea and out again. This creates whirlpools with diameters of up to 20 meters - and with water speeds of up to 20 km/h, padel boats have no place here. But from larger ships you can watch the natural spectacle from a safe distance - even if some excursion boats like to get very close to the whirlpools. But then the tourists have to leave the deck and go to the safe cabin.

Not only does the mighty Naruto whirlpool appear threatening from the ship, a look down from the Naruto Bridge also makes one or the other uneasy. It is considered a test of courage when crossing the bridge to stand directly on the glass panes embedded in the floor, eye to eye with the maw of the whirlpool.

Continent or ocean