Stone circles

Ceavccageađge - 8.000 B.C.

One of the highest concentrations of archaeological sites in the Nordic countries is at Ceavccageađge (Mortensnes in Norwegian) in Varanger. Ten thousand years as a meeting place for hunters, fishermen and traders have left traces of settlements in the landscape, some monumental but many often small and easily overlooked. A cairn is not always just a cairn.


Megalithic culture in Carnac

In Carnac there are rows of stones (French/Alignments) of menhirs (Celtic/large stone), which consist mainly of granite rock from the Breton coast and numbered around 3000 in the years of construction. The largest menhirs are about 4 meters high and are always at the western end of the corresponding row. To the east, the menhirs become smaller and smaller in their approximately 3 km long rows until they are only half a meter high. Originally, the rows were probably even 8 kilometers long.
